Alu Bukhara Chutney (Prunes Chutney) আলু বোখারার চাটনি (৪০০ গ্রাম)
৳ 340.00
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- Brand: Panash Food
- Product Name: Prunes Chutney
- Type: Chutney Sweet, Sour & Spicy (Home Made)
- Supplier: Panash Food Bangladesh
- Weight: 400gm
- Period: 1 Year From M.F.G
- Ingredients: Prunes, Tamarind, Chili, Sugar, Five Spices Powder, Vinegar and Other Ingredients.
- Specialty: Assurance of authentic quality
Prunes also have many health benefits. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber. Vitamin C present in it helps to keep the body healthy, build muscles and build blood vessels. It is considered a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate.
Tasty and healthy food can never be made from inferior ingredients. Panash Food collects raw materials from the safest and trusted sources. Thus, is contributes to the purity and authenticity of the final product.
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